Saturday, January 26, 2008

LOVE this picture...

So I went to the KU game with my brothers and Shelly, my brother's girlfriend. It was really fun! We waited outside in the cold for about a hour and a half and then rushed to get good seat since it is first come first serve. THEN waited another hour and a half or so for the game to start. Well here's a little situation we ran into... it's about a half hour before the game starts so Jordan and I decide to go to the bathroom before and then check out the concessions. We were probably gone like 10 minutes and I'm walking back to my seat when I see Branton and Shelly arguing with one of the usher type guys... I'm walking up slowly because I'm thinking a fight broke out or something so I'm like great!! Turns out the guy was trying to give our seats away. Everyone around that we had been talking to for over an hour that were sitting around us were yelling at the guy too. Branton yells at me "GET OVER HERE!" Finally the guy backed down. They started filling in seats from the front to back with people who were showing up late. Where were they we we were standing out side freezing?! Some guy in a power suit thinks he can walk in last minute and have his spot handed to him on a silver platter!? I was so annoyed. HA. Besides that little incident, the game was amazing. KU kicked Iowa State's butt! :)

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