One thing is certain, change is inevitably! People change, jobs change, styles change, even seasons change. God has designed us to need change, but so many people fight it... I know I do. I tend to hold on to the old because it's familiar. It's what I'm use to, it's comfortable. If we're not careful, we'll get stuck in a rut, to the point where we are not growing, we're not stretching, not using the potential on the inside. That's one reason God sends change. He won't allow us to stay stuck and sometimes the very thing we fight against, the things we think are trying to pull us down, is actually the hand of God trying to push us into a new season. He will stir us out of comfortable situations and put us in situations that'll make us stretch, that force us to use faith. We may not like it, it may be uncomfortable, but God loves us too much to just leave us alone.
God can open doors and just as easily close them. Nothing happens by accident. God is directing every one of your steps. So if a friend does you wrong, if you go through a set back, if you lose a loved one, you can either embrace that change and God will use it to take you higher or you can resist it and just settle for mediocrity. We have to stay open for change! I don't want to approach change from a negative view to where I’m automatically thinking it's going to end up bad. It may be negative on the surface but I don't think God would allow it, if He didn't have a purpose for it. He's going to use it to stretch me and somehow push me to a new level. It seems that what may be a perfectly fine situation for years, all of the sudden you notice a stirring taking place. It feels like every day is an up hill battle, it's easy to get negative and bitter, and wonder "God, why is this happening?" That's a sign transition is coming. I'm trying to just stay open and know that God is still in control, that He is opening up a new door to take me to a higher level. Yeah, I still try to resist it, holding on to things that God has been done with for years. Sometimes it may be a relationship that deep down I know isn't good for me. I know they are keeping me from being my best. But I still hold on to them.
One thing I tend to fear when you change, you may end up losing a few friends, then your worried your going to be lonely, so you just don't want to rock the boat. That's why sometimes God will turn the boat over. Sometimes God will force you to move forward, not because He's mean, not because He's trying to make your life miserable, but because He has such a great desire to see you reach your full potential... He may cause a friend to walk away, He'll stir things up and maybe even allow a friend to do you wrong, because He knows that if He doesn't close that door, we would never move ahead. Thirty years later that friend would still be dragging us down, keeping us from our destiny. If He doesn't shut certain doors, we'd be satisfied to just where we are forever. Sometime that's why the reason God closes a door is so we can't go back. You won't reach your full potential if you stay in your limited environment. So I try not be discouraged by the people that leave my life... it sometimes may feel like it's the end but really it is only the beginning. God would not have stirred it up if He didn't have something better in store. So it’s like, you may think that they were doing you wrong, when really they were doing you a favor! Just wave goodbye, never look back and just keep moving forward.
Don't hold onto the old even though it may seem like it's human nature to always go back to it. When a season is over, you have to learn to accept it and embrace the new. What was good in the past, was right for the past, it was right for that time. We can't try to hold onto something that was right at one time but is not right at this moment! Where something starts, isn't always where it finishes. I need to quit dwelling on the past or sometimes how good it use to be. It's a new day. It’s time to accept where I am right now and learn to embrace change! Not play it safe. Step out of my comfort zone! Figure out what God is trying to do in my life and not be stubborn. Not be discourage by what didn't work out. Take a step of faith! I have new victories in front of me... new mountains to climb. God's may be trying to stir me out of my nest. As I begin to take these steps of faith, I believe I’m going to discover I have gifts and talents I never knew I had. Do things I never thought I could do! Mainly because God's dream for my life is so much bigger than my own. Time to dust myself off and get ready for the new things that are about to happen. Try something new. Stay hopeful.
"The winds I thought would destroy me, are going to be the winds that take me higher."